Looking for experts to help build your AI products/features? Visit Jaseci Labs

Build the next generation of AI Products

Reimagine the paradigm for building next-gen AI products at scale

Jaseci is an end-to-end open-source and Open Computational Model, Technology Stack, and Methodology for bleeding edge AI. It enables developers to rapidly build robust products with sophisticated AI capabilities at scale.

Re-think AI Product Development

Jaseci provides bleeding-edge AI ready to use out of box, eliminates the need for devops, drastically simplifies and accelerates backend development, allowing even a single frontend developer to rapidly develop backend, AI code and deploy scalable AI applications.

Bleeding edge AI ready for use

  • A wide range of bleeding edge AI models ready to use out of
    the box.
  • Task-level AI models across language, vision, etc domains,
    engineered and configured by the top AI science so you can
    directly plug and play

Rapid backend development that requires ZERO backend knowledge

  • Simple language features to grasp for front engineer developers to quickly prototype backend.
  • Intuitive, novel programming paradigm that reduces lines of code by orders of magnitude, even for skilled backend developers.

Automated API generation

  • Automatically generates RESTful API endpoints and other SDK libraries interface based on your code.
  • Without having to worry about the complexity of web service frameworks like Django or Flask, developers can focus their energy on building the best AI features.

Automated scalable deployment that requires ZERO devops knowledge

  • Out-of-box production-grade containerization and orchestration so you can stand up a production-ready stack in minutes.
  • Novel load balancing and facilitation techniques. Your production Jaseci cluster scales intelligently with your application’s demand.

Build Just About Anything, With Jaseci

Digital Assistants
Predictive & Big Data Analytics Systems
Scalable Microservice-based APIs
Search & Recommendation Systems
Facial Detection & Recognition Systems

Jaseci was invented by researchers from the University of Michigan

Jaseci is 100% open source under MIT on GitHub

Jaseci is supported by the NVIDIA Inception program.

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Begin building your next AI product today